Who’s a Candidate for a Dental Crown?

Dental Crown Dentists Grandville MI

Do you have a cracked, chipped, or decayed tooth? If so, our dentists in Grandville, MI, may recommend getting a porcelain crown. A dental crown is like a cap that covers the entire visible portion of your tooth above the gum line. This restores a once fragile tooth to its full strength and natural beauty.

Here’s what else you need to know about dental crowns and what candidates for the procedure tend to have in common.

Large Cavities

Our dentists may recommend fillings to restore teeth with small cavities. However, dental crowns are more appropriate for treating teeth with significant decay. Large fillings can weaken a tooth’s structure over time while crowns are designed to strengthen teeth and preserve as much natural structure as possible.

Significant Injury

The unfortunate truth is that accidents happen. When they do, it’s important that you call our office as soon as possible to schedule an emergency appointment. From there, our dentists will be able to diagnose and treat any damaged teeth so you can save your smile. For large chips and cracks, our dentists may recommend the dental crown procedure.

Cosmetic Improvements

Dental crown treatment is versatile because it can be used for both restorative and cosmetic purposes. For example, our dentists may use crowns to improve the appearance of front teeth that are stained, slightly gapped, or misshapen. Likewise, the dental crown procedure may also be used to restore teeth with significant injury or decay.

Root Canal Therapy

Once a tooth has undergone root canal therapy, it must be restored with a dental crown. This improves the strength, health, and function of the tooth. One of the main benefits of dental crowns is that they allow us to repair badly damaged teeth that would otherwise require extraction.

Dental Implants and Bridges

Have you recently lost a tooth? If so, our dentists may recommend getting a dental implant to restore your smile and oral health. A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root that’s placed in the jaw to later support an abutment and crown. Together, the implant, abutment, and crown give you the full function and appearance of a natural tooth.

Dental crowns are also used during dental bridge treatment. This is because the prosthetic tooth is held in place by crowns on either dental implants or natural teeth that have been prepared for the procedure.

Misshapen Teeth

For individuals with misshapen teeth, dental crowns can help improve their alignment and aesthetics. Crowns can be used to reshape and align teeth to create a more harmonious and attractive smile. For example, our dentists may use dental crowns to close small gaps between front teeth that don’t require orthodontics.

Book a Consultation for Dental Crowns

The only way to know for sure if you’re a candidate for dental crowns is to book a consultation with one of our dentists in Grandville, MI. From there, they’ll be able to help you explore your treatment options so you can make a confident and informed decision for your smile. To get started, please call 44 West Dental Professionals at (616) 530-2200 or fill out our online contact form.