What are the Benefits of All-on-4® Dental Implants?

All On 4 Dental Implants Dentists Grandville MI

Have you experienced significant tooth loss? If so, it’s time to schedule a consultation with one of our implant restoration dentists in Grandville, MI. During your appointment, they’ll explain the benefits of all-on-4® dental implants and determine if the procedure is the right fit for you.

In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about all-on-4 treatment and how it can drastically improve your quality of life.

Replace an Entire Arch of Teeth

If you’ve been unhappy with full dentures, it’s possible that you may be a candidate for all-on-4 implants. Unlike dentures that rest on top of your gums, dental implants have a solid foundation deep in the jawbone. This allows them to support a fixed denture appliance so it never slips and gives you a natural-looking smile.

We’re able to replace the upper and/or lower arch of teeth with all-on-4 implants. This procedure is a viable alternative to full dentures and can help you feel more comfortable with your smile again.

Related: What are Implant-Supported Dentures? →

Smile with Confidence Again

One of the main benefits of dental implants is that they look and feel like natural teeth. This means that you’ll be able to smile with renewed confidence. No more smiling with your lips closed or covering your mouth when you laugh! After getting all-on-4 implants, you’ll be able to start feeling great about your smile again and make a lasting impression on everyone you meet.

Eat a Nutritious Diet

Significant tooth loss can have a lasting impact on your nutrition. This is because you may start avoiding certain foods if it’s uncomfortable to chew them. The result is a diet that may have a lot of nutritional deficiencies, affecting your overall well-being in the long run.

The good news is that the all-on-four implant procedure can help you regain healthy eating habits. Raw fruits and vegetables will no longer be tricky to chew. You may also be able to chew steak, chicken, and other meats with relative ease without the fear of slipping dentures.

Preserve Bone Density in the Jaw

Once you experience tooth loss, the body may start to absorb the minerals in the surrounding jawbone to use elsewhere. Once this happens, you may notice a difference in how your dentures fit or experience discomfort while eating. If left untreated, bone loss can alter your facial profile and give you a “sunken” appearance.

What sets all-on-4 dental implants apart from dentures is that you’re able to stop bone loss in the jaw. This is because the four dental implants replace the function of natural tooth roots, exerting pressure on the jaw and notifying the body that the surrounding bone tissue is still in use.

Book a Dental Implant Consultation

Are you ready to start smiling with confidence again? Book a consultation with one of our implant restoration dentists in Grandville, MI, to get started. They’d be more than happy to help you explore your tooth replacement options and determine if you’re a candidate for the all-on-4 procedure. To schedule a consultation, please call 44 West Dental Professionals at (616) 530-2200 or fill out our online contact form.